Episode 75: Josey Sewell

What No One Tells You About “Work-Life Balance”

Josey Sewell, a partner at the DEO, returns to give Gary the rundown on her work building an operating system for dental leaders who are ready to scale their practices, plus the myth of work-life balance and why even dentists need a reminder that Instagram is not real life — for anyone.


Josalyn “Josey” Sewell

Partner at DEO: The Dentist Entrepreneur Organization

Website: deodentalgroup.com
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/company/deodentalgroup
Facebook: facebook.com/DEODentalGroup
Instagram: instagram.com/dentistentrepreneurorg

Say hello to Josey!

LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/josalynsewell
Facebook: facebook.com/josalyn.sewell
Instagram: instagram.com/hygienistinheels

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