Episode 145: Steve Jensen

5 Dental KPIs You Aren’t Tracking Right

Gary talks with Steve Jensen about the significant impact of understanding key business metrics on the growth of dental practices. Steve shares groundbreaking industry statistics, highlighting trends such as the rise in cancellations and no-shows, and explores strategies to enhance patient retention and treatment acceptance rates. Their discussion delves into the challenges and opportunities presented by COVID-19, emphasizing the importance of data-driven decisions in navigating the evolving landscape of the dental industry.


Steve Jensen

Vice-President of Business Development at Dental Intelligence Inc.

Website: dentalintel.com

LinkedIn: linkedin.com/company/dental-intel
Facebook: facebook.com/DentalIntel
Instagram: instagram.com/dental.intelligence
Twitter/X: twitter.com/dental_intel
YouTube: youtube.com/@Dentalintel

Say hello to Steve!

LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/stevenanthonyjensen
Facebook: facebook.com/stevenanthony.j
Instagram: instagram.com/stevenanthonyjensen

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